How to use the Agile Coach Tip – beefor

How to use the Agile Coach Tip

Por: 7 de dezembro de 2021 3Min de leitura

Cultivating good habits is difficult. It takes effort and creativity to stay focused. It needs to maintain constancy and discipline so that it becomes so common and will be incorporated into everyday life. Therefore, having a source of inspiration cooperates to obtain motivation for action.

The organization as a complex system faces the same difficulty when it puts effort into promoting change. After the advent of agile methods, the number of failures has been reduced, preferable incremental changes in small cycles to something very large.


The tip that helps

Leaving the current state and reaching the desired future requires sustainable actions. During this journey, he needs a set of actions that meet the collective and individual needs of the team. Understanding and differentiating these instances will provide conditions for more unique tips and not replication of information.

beefor has “Agile Coach Tip” functionality. As the name says, it serves to register tips. Used strategically, based on the team’s analysis, it is a good ally in solidifying principles, values, and even technical knowledge.

The registration field consists of title, tags to index and facilitate future searches and description. In the latter is where the tip is made with arguments that cooperate with the reader to be interested, motivate and take a step towards evolutionary change.

Tip to get started

In the beefor there is functionality to carry out the assessment of the team in a 100% configurable way. With the result of this evaluation, you will have inputs to create the tips backlog. But don’t limit yourself to the topics covered. The number of themes is proportional to the diversity that makes up the company and the team.

Get this complete beefor experience to check current status, start the agile journey, have value streaming stages, take care of people, teams, strategy, portfolio and even promote tips to support each action in a cyclical and continuous way.



Image Credits:

Cover photo provided by diana.grytsku .